
Homelessness in Williamson County – Does Anyone Care?

Today Amelia Knisey of The Tennessean has an important story about homelessness in Williamson County.

Homelessness is on the rise in the richest county in the state, and the people and local officials have yet to make it a priority, leaving it to pastors like Pastor Kevin Riggs and local nonprofits like Gracepointe Church to deal with.

But as the cost of living continues to increase in areas like Franklin and Brentwood, more and more long time residents will feel the squeeze.

Lots of lip service is paid to issues like this around here, but what will residents and local government officials actually be willing to do about it?

Follow Amelia Here.

PASTOR: Just Say NO To Vouchers

Governor Bill Lee is getting ready to make vouchers a priority. Everyone is buckling down for the fight, which is why Wilson County just passed a referendum making it clear they’re against vouchers, and why Reverend David Kidd of Pastors for Tennessee Children just made it clear in The Tennessean out why Tennessee should reject vouchers.

Pastor Kidd says it will hurt public schools, particularly in our rural communities. (Spoiler: he’s right.)

Pastor Kidd:

From 2011 through the 2016-2017 school year, the voucher program cost Indiana taxpayers $516.5 million. 

This kind of school “choice” (so called) will lead to devastating cuts for rural schools. One hears, ”the money follows the child…” That may be true, but when a child leaves a public school, the school building still has to be maintained, the heat has to stay on, the teachers have to be paid, janitors, kitchen workers, and crossing guards have to be paid – but the money has followed the child out the door.

Reach out to Governor Lee HERE to let him know how you feel.

Rev. Barber Welcomes Lee To Office

On MLK Day, Governor Lee decided to pay his respects by going to Tennessee State and sharing the stage with Reverend Barber.

Now we’re guessing he probably wishes he hadn’t.

Lee was the first Tennessee Governor to show up at the event in 30 years, and it seems that was no coincidence. Barber made the most of the occasion, making it clear that politicians who claim to love MLK but fight against what he actually stood for will no longer get a free pass on his watch.

Check out the amazingness in a glorious thread here.