Kelley Henry and The Pervis Payne Case

Attorney Kelley Henry joins Pastor Kevin Riggs and Kevin Sage to discuss her work as a Death Row Attorney, specifically with the urgent Pervis Payne case.

For more information on how to help Pervis Payne’s case, click here.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

We Need To Elect People Who Give A Damn

Heidi Campbell for TN Senate 20 and Gideon’s Army respond to a dog whistle attack ad against them by a PAC supporting Steve Dickerson.
Sen. Dickerson refuses to condemn the ad.

Mark Green: Too Cowardly to Debate

Cowardly Rep. Green wouldn’t debate Justin Kanew and now he won’t debate Kiran For Congress. Not very democratic for a guy who says he hates dictators!


In a deeply disappointing decision Franklin just voted to require permits to protest. All protests in Franklin have been peaceful.

The resistance was bipartisan. Mayor Ken Moore broke the 4-4 tie.

What About Us and Broadband?

Robyn Deck, candidate for Tennessee’s State House District 25, needs better broadband service. It is vital for rural health services, business, and education. So why do so many other things take priority in the General Assembly? Robyn has a plan and we need a change. How about we elect some people with new ideas willing to do the work for rural priorities?

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.


With RBG’s death and the fate of the Supreme Court in question, Anna and Aftyn outline how we got here, what’s to come, and what you can do about it. TLDR: Aftyn’s arch-nemesis Mitch McConnell doesn’t play by the rules, and don’t let Tennessee’s Senator Alexander retire to Canada in peace.

Send an email to Lamar

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

We Are Wide Awake

Joining us on the pod today is Victoria Manning, the brains behind Sunrise Tennessee’s latest action against Senator Lamar Alexander where we got up at 4 in the morning to make noise outside of his house because of the injustice of him agreeing to participate in the Supreme Court nomination vote. We talk about the action and we also put it into the broader historical context of why direct actions are a crucial strategic tool for Sunrise and all mass movements to use to make meaningful change. We also dive into what the left should push for when it comes to the Supreme Court, and why electing people like Marquita Bradshaw to the Senate is so important to winning an equitable future.

Find out what Native Land you are living on.

Phonebank for Marquita Bradshaw with us!

Sunrise Tennessee Interest Form

Follow Sunrise Tennessee on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts and wherever else you like to listen.

Who Does “Right to Work” Really Serve? with Mariah Phillips

Mariah Phillips, candidate for State House Rep in District 37, joins Sandy to talk about what it means to be a “Right to Work” state.  They both urge caution as the General Assembly considers chiseling the law into the Tennessee State Constitution. Unions get a bad rap and low wages have bought many jobs to Tennessee but what are the long-term consequences of handing our future to big corporations? Hasn’t the pandemic uncovered many inequalities in worker’s safety and security?

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.

John, Jesus, and Justice

Reverend Kevin Riggs preaches at All Souls Church in Nashville from the book of Malachi on how what people say and do matters and that whitewashing wrongdoing compromises the word of God.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.