The Real “Radicals”

This week Holler founder Justin Kanew went and spoke to a group of Dems in Jackson, Tennessee. His speech focused on who the real “Radicals” are in Tennessee. Hint: It’s not the Dems. And he used sarcasm to get the point across.
Watch KANEW’s speech here: “Seriously, you Dems are really out there these days… radical libs, and your crazy ideas.”
TO BE CLEAR, THIS SPEECH IS SATIRE – lots of folks online don’t seem to be understanding the sarcasm here, which is to be expected, yet still always quite surprising when it happens.
The point of the speech was to take aim at the idea that Dems are the radical ones, when it’s Republicans who are trying to defund our public schools, forcing children to give birth, refusing to pass common sense gun laws, banning lettuce vaccines, and on and on… while Dems focus on things like this:
TNDP CHAIR Hendrell Remus was also there. His message: “This is the most consequential election of our lifetimes.” Remus tells Madison County keeping Trump out of office is essential, and to remind people TN Republicans have opposed all the things Biden & Dems passed that they now take credit for.
Both speeches are worth watching and sharing.
As Kanew says in the speech: You are the Holler.
And In Case You Missed It – HUGE thanks to the Holler follerers who made this incredible song about us! And to all the folks who showed up at the Capitol this session.
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UPDATE: Trial of Roy Brooks, terminated firefighter indicted for showing up at a school with an AR-15 during a hoax active shooter call, is Wednesday in MAURY COUNTY. He says police told him to join in, even though Brooks testified he had PTSD when fired.
HEARTBREAK: Rutherford County Superintendent’s son Asher has passed away. All the love to the Sullivan family.
FACT-CHECK: “Whatever else you can say about the economy, consumers are not pulling back on spending.”
SENATOR ROMNEY: “I’m not going to be voting for Trump… character is the #1 issue for me. When someone has been determined by a jury to have committed sexual assault, that is not someone who I want my kids and grandkids to see as president.”
OGLES VS. THE JUDICIAL BRANCH: “Rep. Andy Ogles introduced legislation Thursday to undermine the partial gag order imposed on Trump… The act would also allow Trump to sue judges who gag him, Ogles claimed.”
“BOOTLICKERS”: A “Bootlickers” sign appeared above Ogles’ head outside Trump’s porn star affair (while his wife was pregnant) hush money trial today.
OPEN CORRUPTION: “A deal allegedly offered by Trump to Big Oil execs as he sought $1 BILLION in campaign donations could save the industry $110 BILLION in tax breaks if he returns to the White House…” Must be more of that ‘draining the swamp’ we heard so much about.
JOE WALSH: “If you truly believe Trump is an existential threat, the only logical play is to vote for the only guy who can beat him.” Walsh was a Republican candidate for president.
HARWOOD: “2024 presents a different issue: Should reporters also be neutral about the fate of American democracy?” Same Q here in TN. Be truthful, not neutral.
MUD-SLINGING: Chaos in committee after Marge Greene childishly stoops into the mud to attack Rep. Crockett’s appearance and AOC’s intelligence — causing Crockett to clap back at Greene’s “bleach blonde bad built Butch body”
A SONG ABOUT MARGE: ” “Nobody cares what she has to say / some new eyelashes wouldn’t help her anyway”
Tennessee Brando for the win! Gold
TEXAS TRIBUNE: “GOP school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids… after winning, found the indoctrination she had railed against simply DID NOT EXIST. Children were not being sexualized, she could find no examples of CRT.”
FIXED: Here NY TIMES we fixed this for you.
MADDOW on the upside-down coup flag: “Justice Alito is increasingly unembarrassed about seeming partisan… I’ve never heard anything like this… Chief Justice Roberts has a problem on his hands.”
GOOD NEWS: “Tennessee teachers can move forward with their lawsuit challenging a 3yo state law restricting what they can teach about race, gender, and bias — U.S. District Court Judge Aleta Trauger denied the state’s motion to dismiss the case.”
ETHICS COMPLAINT: “Alleges (unqualified) TN Ed commissioner Lizzette Reynolds accepted travel reimbursements paid for by a group that also lobbies the legislature… expenses paid by her former employer, Excel In Ed.” More like excels in corruption.
FRANKLIN, TN: With Senator Jack Johnson and Mayor Ken Moore in attendance Franklin just unveiled a new Confederate monument honoring Texans who died in the Battle of Franklin — sponsored by Texas tycoon John Nau.
FORCED BIRTH STATE: Sad that Kentucky’s Governor Beshear has to come to Tennessee to stick up for women’s bodily autonomy because our own Governor Lee won’t.
DENIED: “The state of Tennessee took my fertility from me.” TN woman denied an abortion despite a fatal abnormality says TN anti-abortion laws resulted in her losing an ovary, a fallopian tube — and her hopes for a large family.
YASSIN: “The students were peaceful. They arrested them for trespassing at their own university just to show they have the power.” The owner of Yassin’s Falafel House on being arrested with pro-Palestine UT-Knoxville students.
INBOX: Gloria Johnson announces a 95 county tour across Tennessee as she runs for senate, challenging Marsha Blackburn.
(or on SQUARE & CASH APP: $TNHoller)
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