Pody and Sexton’s Abortion Hypocrisy

“These are the same legislators who are proposing bills that allow people to have FULL CONTROL over the FIREARMS they own.” Tory Mills of Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood on the hypocrisy of Sen Mark Pody and Jerry Sexton’s bill that allows men to sue women for having an abortion.

PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.


Mama B’s “Red State, Blue Mom”

Some of you have been asking where is the infamous GRITS’ travel correspondent, Mama B… well, she has launched her own podcast called “Red State, Blue Mom”! For this week’s episode, we invite you to listen to the 2021 inaugural episode and subscribe!

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

Marsha Blackburn is a Joke

“I personally think Marsha Blackburn shows up in town in a clown car. She’s become an absolute joke.” New TNDP Chair Hendrell Remus talks about Tennessee’s extreme GOP Senators on #ACaseOfTheMundays with Wade Munday.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.


Food Insecurity in Tennessee and the Nation

“Why can’t we feed everyone? This is the United States!” You’ve donated or received food assistance during the pandemic, will the need ever end? In this two-part episode, you’ll hear from a local community group that uses unused food portions to feed people in their area, and from the Tennessee Justice Center, which defines and discusses the reasons for food insecurity. What can we do to alleviate it now and eliminate it post-pandemic?


Rick Wright, Director of Dining Services University of the South

Rev. David Goodpaster, Director of Otey Memorial Parish’s Community Action Committee

Signe Anderson Director of Nutritional Advocacy at Tennessee Justice Center

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.

Sen. Akbari on the Need to Be Bold

“It’s time for bold action…We have the opportunity and the ability to do it, we just have to have the will.”
State Senator Raumesh Akbari talks about her prebuttal to Gov. Bill Lee‘s forthcoming State of the State address where she stressed the need for big structural changes.

PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

More Transparency in Healthcare

“If I go to Walmart and buy an apple I know if I’m getting a good deal because the price is posted, so let’s do the same with healthcare.”

Jason Hodges on his legislation to add more price transparency into our healthcare system.

PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

Student Debt Showdown

With US student debt reaching $1.7 TRILLION, the girls deliver the state of play on student loans: what amount of relief Biden is considering; racial disparities in borrowing; and how privilege takes center stage in the debate whether to cancel it all. #StudentDebtGritty

Run down of the imminent congressional showdown
Biden signals new era with Secretary of Education pick
COVID relief and student debt
Why Biden should forgive student loans

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

The Intersectionality Between Climate and Reproductive Justice

Hosts Isabella and Hale speak with Osub Ahmed, a senior analyst at the Center for American Progress, on the intersection between the climate crisis and reproductive rights. This is often an overlooked subject both in media and day-to-day conversations. That’s why we decided to dig deep and dissect the important relationship between the two.

Read the Environmental Reproductive Justice research

Check out In Your Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda

Sunrise Tennessee Interest Form

Find out what Native Land you are living on

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FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts and wherever else you like to listen.

South Africa and the US: Similarities in Epidemic Response

How are the responses to AIDS in South Africa and COVID in the US similar and how do we stop denialism before it kills us? Renee Schatteman, Associate Professor of Postcolonial and World Literature at Georgia State University, joins the show to talk about what we can learn from South Africa’s mistakes during the AIDS epidemic and their successes in their response to COVID. Cultural considerations come to the podcast! We apologize for a few audio issues in this episode but hope you enjoy the substantive content.

Read Renee’s article here

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.

TNGOP Has Some Explaining To Do

“We have to put Tennessee Republicans on the defense because they’ve got some explaining to do about how they’re recklessly ravaging the lives of ordinary people across the state.” Newly elected TNDP Chair Hendrell Remus on the future of the party in Tennessee and the need for effective messaging.

PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.