Admitted Sex Offender Rep. Byrd In Settlement Talks

(Note: Not About His Sex Crimes, Unfortunately)

In case you haven’t heard yet, Republican State Representative David Byrd – who covers Hardin, Lewis, Wayne, and some of Lawrence counties – has admitted on tape to sexual misconduct with high school girls he coached. Read more

TN ED REPORT: Education Subcommittee A-OK With Sex Offender Chair

Rep. David Byrd, who you’ll recall admitted on tape to sexually molesting girls he coached in Wayne County and was asked to step down by his own party before running again, getting re-elected, and getting promoted by Speaker Casada to the most unthinkably insulting post of all, just chaired his first subcommittee meeting.

Thankfully, all 6 members of the committee meeting spoke out in defiance of Byrd, and he is now stepping down.

Just kidding! Nobody said anything. Instead they went around making jokes about “interesting facts”, and acted like having a pedophile in charge was just another day at the office.

Go here to read Andy Spears’ post over at the TN Education Report.

This issue isn’t going away any time soon, and neither are we. Feel free to reach out to Speaker Casada and Byrd and let them know how you feel about this insult to women and survivors and frankly everyone in our state.

PASTOR: Just Say NO To Vouchers

Governor Bill Lee is getting ready to make vouchers a priority. Everyone is buckling down for the fight, which is why Wilson County just passed a referendum making it clear they’re against vouchers, and why Reverend David Kidd of Pastors for Tennessee Children just made it clear in The Tennessean out why Tennessee should reject vouchers.

Pastor Kidd says it will hurt public schools, particularly in our rural communities. (Spoiler: he’s right.)

Pastor Kidd:

From 2011 through the 2016-2017 school year, the voucher program cost Indiana taxpayers $516.5 million. 

This kind of school “choice” (so called) will lead to devastating cuts for rural schools. One hears, ”the money follows the child…” That may be true, but when a child leaves a public school, the school building still has to be maintained, the heat has to stay on, the teachers have to be paid, janitors, kitchen workers, and crossing guards have to be paid – but the money has followed the child out the door.

Reach out to Governor Lee HERE to let him know how you feel.