AOC on Why Medicare for All is the Only Path Forward

 “We are already projected to pay more in our current broken system than we would if we were to just guarantee everyone healthcare in this country.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez breaks down why Medicare For All is the only path forward – and that it will win.
Video from Center for Health and Democracy‘s Medicare for All webinar.

Democrats Need to Deliver for Young People

“If the Democratic Party wants to win over the loyalty of young people it had better act right now and in a pretty big way.”- Jonathan Smucker drops fire talking about the Democratic Party’s future on The Intercept’s #Deconstructed podcast.

Full Podcast.

Lee’s Failed COVID19 “Strategy”

“We believe our #COVID19 strategy may well be working BETTER than a statewide mask mandate.”
Gov. Bill Lee has the audacity to claim that his “strategy” is working; meanwhile, Tennessee continues to have record-breaking case increases and Lee doesn’t even follow his own advice.

As Georgia Goes, So Goes the South

Erica Darragh, Communications Lead for Sunrise Atlanta, joins Hale and Cassie to talk about the upcoming Senate runoff elections in Georgia and how crucial they are to us winning a Green New Deal. There’s so much we can learn from the incredible organizing that led to Georgia’s turnaround, and it gives us a lot of hope for Tennessee and the rest of the South. Be sure to do whatever you can to support Warnock and Ossoff in Georgia with your time, money, or both. Let’s bring this home.

Volunteer for and donate to Reverend Raphael Warnock.

Volunteer for and donate to Jon Ossoff.

Support Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight.

Find out what Native Land you are living on.

Sunrise Tennessee Interest Form

Follow Sunrise Tennessee on Twitter and Facebook.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts and wherever else you like to listen.

A More Democratic System with Dr. Andrea Hatcher

In light of the election, we are rebroadcasting Sandra Rice‘s evergreen episode with Professor Andrea Hatcher on the undemocratic nature of the Electoral College. This election we DO have a clear winner in both the electoral college and popular vote but it hasn’t always been the case. Donald Trump would never have been President if not for the antiquated and un-Democratic Electoral College. Dr. Hatcher also proposes that spreading misinformation about a candidate or election is a form of fraud.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.



On November 3rd Donald Trump lost the presidential election. I know it’s hard for some people to hear that, but that’s all the more reason it needs to be said. It was close in some key swing states, but President-Elect Joe Biden is now up by tens of thousands of votes even in those states, and Republican secretaries of state across the country are telling us there is zero real evidence of widespread fraud. 

Obviously that hasn’t stopped President Trump from refusing to accept defeat. He told us he would only accept the outcome if he won before the election, and he has followed through. He now tweets incessantly, day after day about how he has been cheated – pointing to vote counts being changed, dead people voting, Republican observers not being allowed into the counting rooms… all of which have been debunked one by one by one. Trump is tweeting about fraud publicly while his lawyers admit in court, under oath, that they are not actually saying any such fraud took place.

Simply put, there is no evidence of widespread fraud. He is lying. There is no debating that. 

What is up for debate is why. Is it simply so he can drag this out as long as possible to give himself more time to milk money from his supporters? Money which he claims is going to help him fight the lawsuits he keeps losing, but which the fine print tells us he is stuffing into his own pockets

Or does he really think he can take this all the way to the end and overturn this election with the help of Republican-held state legislatures, who would have to turn their backs on democracy, throw out the results of the election in their states, and assign their electors to him without any justification for doing so?

One would hope he knows the latter is an impossibility, since it would essentially mean the end of The American Experiment.

One would hope he would understand that even Republicans in his party would deem that to be a bridge too far.

But would they? If they’re anything like the Republicans in Tennessee, perhaps not. 

So far here in Tennessee, the only prominent Republicans who have been willing to acknowledge that Joe Biden is president-elect are ex-Senators Bob Corker and Bill Frist. Senator Lamar Alexander has said nothing. Governor Lee has expressed his support for Trump’s efforts, as have Senator Marsha Blackburn, senator-elect Bill Hagerty, and both chambers of the Tennessee supermajority legislature. The Tennessee Republican delegation of congressmen have also gone right along with the charade, including Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, who told a news network “what we’re seeing is fraud,” but when pressed for specifics pointed to Nevada – where the 3000 ballots in question had already turned out to be mostly military families who had been transferred.

Is this what it has come to, Republicans? One can only imagine the outrage they would be demonstrating had Hillary Clinton refused to concede, especially if she had a 5 million vote deficit in the popular vote rather than the 3 million advantage she ended up with (in fact, they did rip her viciously for even just having questions in the aftermath of 2016).

Or worse yet, imagine their reaction if Obama were doing any of this. 

Perhaps they think they’re just humoring Trump, and that at the end of the day this will have no lasting impact after he inevitably leaves the White House. But that’s shortsighted. Tennessee Republicans had a chance to stand up, finally show some leadership and backbone, and say enough is enough. Instead, they signed up to join this circus and help Trump trash our election process, a favor to our anti-Democracy enemies that ultimately means Trump’s loyal following of millions of Americans will now forever believe this was a rigged election. 

Nobody knows what lasting impact that will have in the days, weeks, and years to come, but what we do know is Tennessee Republicans have shown us they put their loyalty to Trump and their own self-preservation ahead of their commitment to the democratic process that undergirds the very notion of America, and that in itself is the opposite of patriotism.

Free and fair elections, respecting the will of the people, is what makes us who we are as a country. Republicans love to invoke the Founding Fathers when convenient, but any objective reading of their intentions makes it clear they set up our constitution to guard against efforts to drag us back towards the authoritarianism our country was established in opposition to, the tyranny they fought and bled to keep us away from in favor of the freedom to elect our own leaders and center the people’s voice. A freedom many brave Americans have since died to preserve.

This is a dark path we’re heading down, one few would have believed possible even just a few short years ago. This has already become a black eye on our nation’s history, and the further down this road we go, the bigger the stain will be on the reputations of this crop of Tennessee Republicans – a stain which will not soon come off.

Justin Kanew is the Founder of the Tennessee Holler

Nothing Gov. Lee Does is “Nice”

Rep. John Ray Clemmons doesn’t hold back in his searing criticisms of Lee’s failure of leadership not only throughout COVID, but since his tenure began.

PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you like to listen.

Rev. Dr. Barber: Making COVID More About People

Rev. Dr. William Barber on Pete Buttigieg’s The Deciding Decade talking about how we need to make #COVID19 less about numbers and more about people.

Listen to the full podcast here.

Biden and Harris Win!

The Presidential race was finally called in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this past Saturday morning in a resounding rebuke of President Trump and his reign these past four years. Catch a couple of highlights from their victory speeches below.

A Confederate General’s Descendant on Reckoning with Monuments

We hear “Erasing history” and “destroying our heritage” but what does one family member raised in the South and great-grandson of a revered Confederate General think about the removal of a monument from the public square? Louis Rice joins to discuss.

FULL PODCAST available on Apple Podcasts here, and wherever else you like to listen here.