Rep. Mike Stewart & Rep. Bo Mitchell confront Gov. Bill Lee Tennessee Department of Education commish Penny Schwinn about a no-bid $2 MILLION ClassWallet contract that exceeds the total?allocated for his voucher program, echoing controversy from her past.

Here’s more on Class Wallet:

The extra funding came from a Lamar Alexander-era program intended for teacher bonuses. Yes, taking from teachers to pay for the voucher program.

VIDEO: Sen. Joey Hensley Vs. Tampons & Feminine Hygiene Products

As Senator Sara Kyle & Senator Brenda Gilmore push for a brief tax holiday for feminine products, Senator Joey Hensley says girls may buy too many, laments $130,000 in lost?— but backed a $40 MILLION tax break for brokers/lawyers.

Hensley was also divorced 4 times, cheated on his wife with his cousin, and got popped for prescribing pills illegally to his family… maybe not the guy to judge what women need?

What’s Bob Corker Up To?

Is Former TN GOP Senator Bob Corker getting back into politics in his hometown? Has he decided to throw his weight behind an effort to eliminate neighborhood schools in Chattanooga?

Corker was recently spotted leaving a meeting with well-known radical right-wing political consultant and sole staffer for a new anti-public education group, the  ‘Good Government Coalition’, which is aiming to eradicate local public schools in Hamilton County.

The group recently boasted that an effort to raise $200k for upcoming school board races was going as planned.

Is the former Senator leveraging his personal fortune to install a right-wing majority on the Hamilton County School Board?
What’s Bob Corker up to?


Rep. John Ray Clemmons pushes his bill to stop schools from punishing kids to force parents to pay meal debt.

GOP Reps Terri Lynn Weaver & Jerry Sexton struggle with it, while Rep Ragan wants to make meal debt a child abuse/DCS issue.

PODCAST: A Charter School In California Shows What Can Happen

A new WNYC podcast episode discusses the concerns brought up in charter commission hearing this week.

It centers on Marin County, California, where a new charter school took resources from a public school, leaving many (black) kids behind and segregating the schools.

If you have the time, it’s a worthwhile listen— not that it will change the hearts of pr0 “school choice” legislators, but it offers some perspective that the legislators pushing back against what they call “choice” are actually thinking about the kids left behind – who this podcast gives voice to – not trying to hold the kids they’re trying to help back.

Unfortunately at the end of the day education funding is a zero-sum game, which is why adding money to the pot – as Democratic legislators called for this week – is really the best way to help all our kids.

VIDEO: REP. FAISON Invokes MLK During Pro-Gun Rally Resolution

“Let’s not channel MLK, who was about nonviolence, in the same sentence as a rally for WEAPONS OF DEATH.”

Rep. Antonio Parkinson & Rep. Mitchell respond as GOP Caucus leader Jeremy Faison invokes MLK & calls AR-15’s “weapons of LIFE” as he honors Richmond’s anti-gun safety law rally.

Rep. Larry Miller was also booed, in a break from House decorum.

And Rep. Andy Holt outrageously wondered why we don’t see guns being a problem with 393 million of them in circulation in the USA.

VIDEO: Onion-Citing Rep. Van Huss Says “FAKE NEWS” Resolution is “TROLLING LIBERALS”

Watch Rep. Micah Van Huss tells us why he’s pushing his taxpayer money-wasting resolution to label CNN & Washington Post “FAKE NEWS” — despite the fact that he once famously cited The Onion in a committee hearing. ?


Democratic National Committee At-Large Member Marisa Richmond (1 of our 9 superdelegates) clearly explains a process we found confusing… until now!

Hope this helps. Registration deadline for the March 3rd Primary is TODAY!

VIDEO: GOP Rep. Rips “BRIBES & THREATS” That Got Lee’s Vouchers Passed

REPUBLICAN REP. Kent Calfee says “There’s a bill to repeal VOUCHERS… because there was every kind of DIRTY TRICK IN THE BOOK — BRIBES, THREATS, everything else to get it passed.”

Calfee lets loose on how Disgraced former Speaker Glen Casada & Gov Bill Lee got Lee’s public school-harming vouchers through.?



VIDEO of a protest at Lipscomb after John Rich of Big & Rich caused a firestorm over the mention of “white privilege” in class & Dean Brittany Paschall’s racially tough (but true) writings.

Rich: “Racism doesn’t exist at LU.”
Students: “Lie.”