Today Tennessee’s top immunizations expert Dr. Michelle Fiscus is making the rounds on national shows talking about her firing at the hands of Governor Lee for doing her job and trying to keep Tennessee safe. She isn’t holding back. Below are some clips.
CNN: “What has it been like to be a public health official in Tennessee?”
DR. FISCUS: “(@GovBillLee) has been toxic to work under… morale is poor… state workers fear for their jobs – they want to do the right thing but the administration is more interested in politics…” pic.twitter.com/WxgHyc4zCO
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) July 13, 2021
CNN: “So we’re not just talking about the COVID-19 vaccine… we’re talking about an anti-vaccine movement PERIOD.”
DR. FISCUS: “That’s right.” pic.twitter.com/rK6yUDHuab
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) July 13, 2021
CNN: “Have you been told why you were fired?”
DR. FISCUS: “I was not… I was given a choice to resign and I chose to be terminated because I’ve not done anything wrong except inform physicians what they guidelines were around vaccinating minors.” @GovBillLee ? ? ?
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) July 13, 2021
CNN: “Are you being villainized for following science?”
DR. FISCUS: “Many of our lawmakers unfortunately buy into anti-vaccine rhetoric and conspiracy theories instead of listening to actual science.” @GovBillLee just fired her for doing her job, then ran from reporters. ? pic.twitter.com/cLeNvtnDBi
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) July 13, 2021