Today Tennessee’s top immunizations expert Dr. Michelle Fiscus is making the rounds on national shows talking about her firing at the hands of Governor Lee for doing her job and trying to keep Tennessee safe. She isn’t holding back. Below are some clips.

More Justice and Peace!

Executive Director of the Cumberland Center for Justice and Peace Lisa Rung talks about her organization’s activism and outreach.  They sponsor a variety of activities in rural communities that think globally and act locally…  Maybe your group could use some fresh ideas: cumberlandjusticeandpeace@gmail.com



OJEDA: “They Think They People Of Tennessee Are That Damn Stupid”

Ex-Paratrooper/wv sen/Prez candidate Richard Ojeda torches (All 7 TN GOP) reps who voted to cover-up the insurrection.


Tennessee Is Going Backwards

“This session should’ve been a wake-up call for moderates, independents, sensible Republicans…TENNESSEE IS GOING BACKWARDS.”

Sen. Yarbro on the extremism of Gov. Bill Lee and the Republican Party supermajority, focusing on imaginary issues rather than helping folks who need it.


The Battle Against the Byhalia Pipeline

Hale and Cassie are joined by Justin Pearson, one of the co-founders of the grassroots movement Memphis Community Against The Pipeline (MCAP). They dig into the movement’s fight against the Byhalia Connection Pipeline and the ongoing environmental injustices happening right now in Memphis, Tennessee.

Check out Memphis Community Against the Pipeline

Sign the petition to tell city council members to vote to protect Memphis’ drinking water on Tuesday

Volunteer with MCAP

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Organizer Justin Jones on the RUN-OVER-A-PROTESTER Bill

“If something does happen to me, bring my casket outside the Capitol.” Activist Justin Jones on the RUN-OVER-A-PROTESTOR bill now revived by Lt. Gov. McNally, Gov. Bill Lee, and the Tennessee Republican Party.


Lee Gives Non-Answer on LGBTQ Curriculum Opt-Out Bill

HOLLER to Governor Bill Lee: “You said you’ll support the LGBT curriculum opt-out bill…would you support a bill that requires teachers to warn parents if they plan to mention black people? Jews? Do you see the moral issue there?”


The “Third Death Penalty” is NO MORE in Tennessee

“TODAY MERCY WON. People told us this was impossible, but No Exceptions Prison Collective rejected that.” Rev. Jeannie Alexander celebrates a huge win in the Senate — after 6 years of work and input from 1500 prisoners, a life sentence with parole went from 51 yrs to 25 yrs before parole eligibility.

Not only was this a win, but it was a bipartisan blowout, 26-4. Sen. Bowling (R) was the lead sponsor, co-sponsored by Senators Gilmore (D) and Roberts (R), soon to be joined by Sen. Yager (R).


TNGOP Has ANOTHER Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill from Rep Zachary

What if we told you Rep Jason Zachary is running ANOTHER anti-trans kids bill, this one about school bathrooms? It’s true, folks. HB1233 sailed through committees under the radar. The Tennessee Republican Party’s #SlateOfHate is ENDLESS.