
BOWMAN: Universal Vouchers Are Back (and Gov. Lee is mis-leeding folks)

J.C. Bowman of Professional Educators of Tennessee says despite what privatizer polls say, Tennesseans don’t want vouchers when they have all the info: “It is concerning when Governor Lee does not clearly explain his universal voucher proposal when discussing his latest initiative. Many politicians use this tactic to mislead the public purposely.”

Let’s suppose Governor Bill Lee has the votes for his universal voucher bill. In that case, he will likely convene a special legislative session in the final week of January to advance his private school voucher bill. His latest proposal seeks to allocate $7,075 per student in Tennessee for private school attendance while providing financial aid to local school districts. The fiscal note will likely increase rapidly if no caps or limits are in place, like a similar program in Arizona.

Despite polling from various organizations or universities, school vouchers have consistently failed to pass when subjected to a popular vote in 2024. States such as Kentucky, Nebraska, and Colorado rejected them at the ballot box. School choice allows families to select schools outside their neighborhoods, but a lack of transportation can be a barrier. In Tennessee, 42% of rural districts do not have private schools, and 84% have three or fewer, which makes it challenging for students to participate.

“School choice” is a popular concept in various forms. In fact, over a quarter of students no longer attend traditional public schools, and this number continues to grow. According to Tulane Professor Doug Harris, this trend is mainly driven by inter-district and intra-district choice options and charter schools. Still, the local public school is considered an essential institution within every community in the state.

It is concerning when Governor Lee does not clearly explain his universal voucher proposal when discussing his latest initiative. Many politicians use this tactic to mislead the public purposely. As a result, the conversation surrounding universal vouchers does not align with state criteria for evaluating other public education policies or the values expressed by supporters of vouchers. Recipients of vouchers in the current ESA pilot project have demonstrated improvements, but they still underperform compared to their peers in public schools.

Tennessee taxpayers must understand that most of the funding under the new proposal will be directed toward children already enrolled in private schools. Private schools across Tennessee have a maximum of three to four thousand open seats. This indicates that the primary goal is not actually to improve public schools.

Universal voucher programs have been criticized for their lack of transparency and accountability. Many detractors, including some conservatives, argue that an actual free market requires parents to have access to information about schools’ backgrounds and performance history to make informed choices.

Parents should make informed decisions to ensure their child is educated to their full potential. The voucher program proposed by Governor Lee raises concerns. It does not require voucher schools to undergo vetting, which supporters say compromises their standards and oversight. Consequently, parents may enroll their children in schools without a proven track record or fundamental legitimacy, including those operating from unconventional locations. The minimal requirements and the absence of transparency and accountability measures are particularly alarming, especially since these institutions will receive public funding.

Prominent conservative voices, such as Michael J. Petrilli from the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, argue that if taxpayer dollars fund private schools, they should adhere to the same standards as public schools. This statement highlights our position.

Many conservatives in Tennessee also suggest waiting for President Trump’s tax break proposal, which would offer tax credits to those who donate to private school scholarship funds, rather than pursuing new voucher legislation. This plan would not provide direct federal funding to private schools.

There are some excellent private schools across the state. However, the perception that all private schools are superior arises from their selective admissions, rejection, and expulsion policies rather than the actual quality of the classroom educational environment.

This situation highlights a double standard: private school parents can engage in public school governance. At the same time, public school parents will encounter barriers in accessing information about private institutions that will also benefit from public funds. Board meetings are not open to the public. For parents to fully experience education freedom, any legislative proposal must include robust transparency and accountability for taxpayer dollars.

Last session’s attempt to pass a universal voucher bill failed due to difficulties reconciling different proposals. Sam Stockard from the Tennessee Lookout points out that critics question the need for compromises if the plan is genuinely advantageous, suggesting it could be detrimental to public education. Parents and taxpayers should
consider this a valid concern. One legislator admitted, “We’re going to end up taking funds from public schools because the students won’t be there.”

We have seen Governor Lee’s political advertisement in support of his voucher legislation. It illustrates a concern that political donors and special interest groups exert too much influence in Tennessee, reducing the power of ordinary citizens. This creates a loss of trust in our government institutions. Concerns about money in
politics and potential corruption are compelling, as many believe financial interests motivate elected officials.

The upcoming trial of former Tennessee Speaker of the House Glenn Casada, scheduled in Federal Court in Nashville on April 22, 2025, could focus on that loss of trust.
Policymakers should openly share their decision-making processes, including how they plan to allocate taxpayer funds and disclose political contributions to taxpayers. They need to represent their constituents’ views and engage in discussions that support public education.

Voters need to feel that their voices are heard. Their
representatives must be attentive to their concerns, and the government must value their opinions. We strongly encourage policymakers to prioritize transparency during the ongoing debate surrounding universal vouchers.


JC Bowman is the Executive Director of Professional Educators of Tennessee, a non-partisan teacher association headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author and the association are properly cited. For more information on this subject or any education issue please contact Professional Educators of Tennessee. To schedule an interview please contact [email protected] or 1-800-471-4867.

Lee’s Ed Commish Ignores Calls To Resign



As Governor Lee pushed his TISA education funding overhaul, many of us were hollering from the Smoky Mountaintops that the new “student-based funding formula” was intended to enable MORE money to follow kids OUT of the public schools system MORE EASILY to private schools through vouchers, charter schools and the like.

We knew this because we saw it happen in OHIO, where step 2 of their plan is already in progress, and already harming public schools.

We repeatedly asked Governor Lee and Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn if their Ed funding overhaul TISA will help steer public money to private schools. They denied it. 

But this week, The Beacon Center of Tennessee, a group behind much of the TISA push, just admitted in an op-Ed in the Washington Examiner that Governor Lee’s Ed funding overhaul TISA is in fact intended to help steer PUBLIC💰TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS.

There it is in black and white.

It seems with the formula passed, they now feel comfortable saying what it was really all about.

We warned about this. We posted about it daily. We even asked Governor Lee about it-– ⚡️FLASHBACK: “Isn’t this just the VOUCHERIZATION of our public education system?” (of course, he ran from us)

But Education commish Penny Schwinn denied this repeatedly when we asked her🤥 SHE LIED RIGHT TO OUR FACE: “Step 2 after Ohio’s funding overhaul was private school vouchers & charters—can you guarantee it won’t happen here?”

COMMISSIONER SCHWINN: “I haven’t been part of any of those kinds of conversations.”

So many lies. Right to our faces.

And the marketing blitz now being unleashed on Tennessee to sway public opinion in favor of PRIVATIZERS should tell you how much taxpayer 💰 is at stake. #HillsdaleHeist

Who is paying for this marketing? Us? Is this where that $32 million in the budget went that you gave them in the budget, Governor Lee?

Yes. Governor Lee gave teacher-trashing Hillsdale $32 MILLION of our money — for what, Exactly? Where’d that go?

And now HILLSDALE is texting Tennesseans that they’re not getting taxpayer money 🤥 ?

The lies never stop.

As a reminder, Lee’s RIGGED STATE CHARTER APPEAL BOARD is poised to help Hillsdale-affiliated schools overturn rejections by local school boards.

Meet the (Privately Run) Charter School commission Governor Lee picked to overrule locals that reject (Hillsdale) charter schools seeking taxpayer💰👇🏽
email: [email protected]

We’re going to keep yelling the truth about this, but the truth is a lot of damage has already been done.

If your reps supported TISA, and vouchers, and the creation of the state charter commission, they supported the dismantling of our public schools, which Republican Rep. Bob Ramsey told us last week is Governor Lee’s goal. 

And they should be held accountable for it.

People need to know. Spread the word. You can’t support Governor Lee if you support public schools. Period. Hopefully Tennessee will choose another option, which they have in Dr. Jason Martin.

We’ll keep yelling the truth about all this. Please consider chipping in monthly if you can. We depend on your support.

– The Holler
Please consider chipping in even just $5 or $10 monthly to help us continue this work.


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Yesterday, for the first time ever, we had a Republican legislator on the Holler.

The lack of Republicans hasn’t been by choice – we’ve invited them, they just haven’t accepted our invitations. Until now.

Rep. Bob Ramsey out of Maryville agreed to come on, having just been unseated in a primary by a challenger backed by a big war chest from school privatization PACs who were mad at him for standing against Governor Lee’s efforts to steer public dollars to private schools through privately run charter schools, vouchers, and his TISA ed funding (privatization) overhaul.

The main takeaway from Ramsey’s appearance was that he confirmed everything we’ve been warning about when it comes to the privatization attacks on our public schools, which Governor Lee is spearheading. Rep. Ramsey, a Republican, even SAYS LEE WANTS TO END PUBLIC EDUCATION: “I do believe Governor Lee’s goal is to do away with public education.”

Here’s the FULL PODCAST (19 mins) with Rep. Ramsey, the first Republican legislator ever to come on the Holler. (FULL STREAM)

REP. RAMSEY also says “Preparations have been made to make overturning local rejections (of Hillsdale-affiliated schools) a slam-dunk, and that LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES REALLY HAVE NO POWER.” 

As we’ve been saying, Lee’s state appeal board is rigged to strip local control and push Charter Schools through even where locals have rejected them.😳

And Ramsey’s reward for standing up for public schools? He lost his seat. Governor Lee and his privatization pals sent a message to Ramsey and Weaver that standing against their attacks on public schools will not be tolerated.

Meanwhile, GOVERNOR LEE is out there blatantly lying about his connection to Hillsdale, telling reporters “I’m not engaged in Hillsdale’s efforts.”🤔 

Lee tries to distance himself from Hillsdale’s teacher-trashing as their (privately run) charters try to get local rejections overturned by his rigged state board, but he already gave them $32 MILLION of our💰in the budget.

Ramsey is telling the truth. Governor Lee wants to do away with public education. You can’t support Lee and public schools, which is why we hope people will get behind Jason Martin in November.

We’ll keep covering this attack on our schools, and trying to talk to Republicans like Bob who will tell us the truth.

Please consider chipping in monthly if you can. We depend on your support.

– The Holler
Please consider chipping in even just $5 or $10 monthly to help us continue this work.


10 minutes after the vigil outside Governor Lee’s office, he had the memorial for #Uvalde & #Buffalo victims removed, along with a letter signed by dozens of clergy. Unconscionable.


Today a number of organizations have come out in support of Governor Lee’s education funding (privatization) overhaul, which many public school advocates say will be inadequate, bad for public schools and help education privatization efforts in the long run.

Lee will boast of their support just in time to push his plan through key committees and onto the floors of the house and senate, but what he won’t mention are the organizations involved with that alliance that DID NOT SIGN ON, and how most of the ones that did have one common thread: THEY GET A LOT OF MONEY FROM THE GATES FOUNDATION, which has a heavy interest in getting this funding

Below is a number of tweets by TC Weber, public school advocate, pointing out how many of these organizations – including the NAACP, Memphis Education Fund, Tennessee PTA, Tennessee Department of Education, Sycamore Institute, Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Knox Education Foundation, Sycamore Institute, and even Chalkbeat, the journalists who cover this tuff – have received HUGE SUMS OF MONEY from the Gates Foundation, which is a big part of the push for Lee’s funding overhaul:






We spoke with Rep. Mark White for 10 minutes about charter schools and Governor Lee’s potentially poisonous ed funding overhaul.


Last week Tennessee Democratic representatives Bo Mitchell & John Ray Clemmons held a press conference calling for Governor Lee to impose a 90-day gas tax moratorium to help Tennesseans with the pain of higher gas prices – which is a global issue Republicans have incorrectly blamed on Biden. (Oil production is UP under Biden, so the idea that he’s choking off supply is ridiculous on its face)

By some calculations the state gas tax moratorium would mean Tennesseans keep hundreds of millions of dollars they would’ve otherwise had to spend at the pump. Since Governor Lee regularly brags about the BILLIONS in surplus funds Tennessee has, partly because we’re #1 in hoarding funds intended for poor folks, it would seem we could’ve handled the moratorium – but Lee has said he has no plans to implement it.

Lee’s exact quote:

“We’ll look at proposals, but what we need to do—and I’ve been working with governors across the country—is to reach out to the federal administration and say ‘Here’s what needs to be done. We need to reinstitute energy policies that take the burden off of Americans for higher energy prices.”

Anyone who follows this administrations knows that’s Lee Speak for saying he won’t do anything.

That decision looks even more heartless now that a similar measure has passed UNANIMOUSLY in Georgia, and their Republican governor is planning to sign it right away, giving them a gas tax break through May, and saving their citizens $300-$400 million by some estimates.

From the Athens Banner-Herald:

The Georgia Senate unanimously passed legislation Thursday temporarily suspending the state sales tax on gasoline, but not before a lengthy debate over who is to blame for record-high pump prices.

The bill, which the state House of Representatives passed last week, now heads to Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk for his signature.

The governor and lawmakers acted after gas prices surged following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Suspension of the tax will save Georgians 29.1 cents per gallon of gasoline, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Hufstetler, R-Rome, said before Thursday’s vote.

“The 29 cents is not going to completely solve the problem,” he said. “But it’s a start and a statement.”
It UNANIMOUSLY passed the house & senate in Georgia… but Lee won’t even consider it?
With Tennessee failing to expand Medicaid even as we lead in rural hospital closures per capita and medical bankruptcies, and slashing unemployment benefits even as legislators gave themselves raises, and refusing to raise the minimum wage, or give people paid leave… this is yet another example of Governor Lee and this Republican supermajority putting the people last.



 For months Governor Lee has been touting his new “STUDENT BASED FUNDING FORMULA” which he says will revolutionize how Tennessee funds our public schools. The plan has been very short on details by design, but after the press conference he gave yesterday we now have enough clues to understand what’s really going on.
Previously, Governor Lee did all he could to get private school vouchers passed, even reportedly offering military promotions as bribes to squeak it through the house. Unfortunately for him, the courts held up his unconstitutional plan (SO FAR).Now, instead of steering public dollars to private schools, Lee has begun a partnership with HILLSDALE COLLEGE, a private Christian school in MICHIGAN with close ties to BETSY DEVOS led by Larry Arnn, who Trump appointed to lead his history-whitewashing “1776 Commission” in response to the 1619 Project.

In the State of the State, Lee talked about bringing in Hillsdale to teach our kids to be “informed patriots”, by which he means he wants to fill their heads with propaganda and avoid them learning the the harsh truths of our past.

What Lee didn’t mention in his speech was the fact that he has apparently asked Hillsadale to bring 50-100 CHARTER SCHOOLS to Tennessee, which Arnn mentioned at a meeting in Franklin last September in AUDIO WE UNCOVERED THIS WEEK:

“Governor Lee wanted 100 charter schools in TN.”

When asked about it at a press conference yesterday, Lee did not deny it. He instead leaned into it, saying CHARTER SCHOOLS are a big part of his plan, and repeatedly making a point to call them “PUBLIC” schools – by which he means they’ll be taking our PUBLIC SCHOOL funds.

So instead of strengthening our public schools and funding them properly, Lee is telling us he’s willing to pour another $1 BILLION into our schools BUT ONLY IF WE ADOPT HIS STUDENT-LED FUNDING PROGRAM – which would mean those dollars would follow kids to Charter schools like these Hillsdale schools.

Charters are privately run enterprises. Now Lee thinks he can dodge the accusation of “Steering public funds to private schools” by saying these charter schools are “public schools”, but as someone said recently: Calling charter schools “PUBLIC” because they get public funds is like calling defense contractors public companies.

This has clearly been the plan for a long time. Even the MOMS FOR LIBERTY WILLIAMSON COUNTY CHAIR has been posting about the Hillsdale Charter school planned for Williamson since last year – and we’re told a petition has been pulled in Montgomery county as well.
They want our (underfunded) public school funds to send their kids to what will essentially amount to a publicly-funded private school.

It’s an attack on our public schools. A heist. They’re steering our public school funds towards a network of private schools by another name, run by a Trump loyalist who wants to whitewash our history and fill kids’ heads with propaganda.

And to top it all off, Lee has rigged the charter approval process. So even when communities vote to REJECT these schools, a state board handpicked by the governor can overrule these local decisions.

Worried yet? You should be. Strengthening our public schools should be our top priority. This new “STUDENT-BASED FUNDING FORMULA” SCHEME is just a new way for Governor Lee to steer our public dollars to private companies run by his friends, and he’s using these “PUBLIC” Charter schools as a vessel to do it… and our public schools will suffer.

Florida’s ed commish praised Lee and put it in this distasteful way at Hillsdale College👇🏽WATCH: “YOU CAN’T PUT THE ANIMALS BACK IN THE BARN”😳 – meaning once kids go to a charter school, we have no choice but to keep sending them money because you can’t force them to go back.

OUR QUESTION: Is Gov. Lee’s attempt to use public funds to create a network of private schools (while calling them “public”) even constitutional? Hopefully someone smarter than us can figure that out.

We’ll be here to cover it, and that’s thanks to your support, so Please consider chipping in monthly if you’re not yet doing so, even if it’s just a few bucks – the monthly support truly keeps us going. 

The Holler


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VIDEO of the protestors who showed up to make their disapproval of Governor Lee known at the capitol this week.