It’s old news by now that Congressman Scott Desjarlais, who proclaims himself to be “a consistent supporter of pro-life values”, paid for 2 abortions and cheated on his wife with three coworkers, two patients and a drug rep- yet still keeps getting re-elected.
Would you believe us if we told you it appears Desjarlais is the moderate in his Republican Primary this time around?
Franklin County resident Doug Meyer has filed to run against Desjarlais in 2020 in the Republican primary, and spends much of his time making outlandish, violent, racist posts on Facebook. Allow us to show you a few lowlights…
Most of his vitriol is directed at Muslims. For instance, he’d like to shut down mosques:
Shares extremely unfunny posts about abused Muslim women:
Which he says is ok, because it’s important to “ridicule” “sandbox turds” so they get angry and expose themselves:
He believes Islam is a “parasite”:
And seems to be spoiling for a fight with Muslims:
He also thinks teachers are “Islam’s secret agents”:
And speaking of teachers, Doug and his wife homeschooled their kids because of the “mind-numbing bullshit” in our schools:
And he wanted to keep his kids away from the “moral destruction” that takes place there:
Something tells us he won’t be getting that TEA endorsement.
But Muslims and school aren’t his only targets. He wants to hang some or all members of congress… which would likely not make him the best co-worker were he to win:
He also has no love for “fake Republicans”:
He’s not a huge fan of Mitt Romney:
Or “communists”:
He also celebrates the death of indigenous people:
Thinks those shot in Gaza should be thankful they were only hobbled:
And then there’s whatever this is:
So it should be no wonder that he considers himself a “Proud Boy”, a far-right neo-fascist organization that admits only men as members and promotes political violence:
He truly seems to want war, apparently on behalf of Christianity – basically a new Christian Crusade:
And encourages Trump to cause that “Civil War”:
But while Doug seems to be cheerleading a Civil War outbreak, Doug generally believes we’re already at war:
He’s also a fervent supporter of D.A. Craig Northcott, the Islamophobic homophobic D.A. we exposed, who is STILL currently serving as the special prosecutor on the Glen Casada-Justin Jones case.
As Meyer expressed his support for Northcott, he also expressed his readinesss for violence. Another man on Facebook said a movement to “drive out” the “abomination” that is Islam needs to happen, “blood will have to be shed” and “laws will have to be broken”…
To which Meyer responds “you are precisely the sort of brave soul I would be proud to team with to do this thing”:
Doug’s vitriol for Islam is constant. He calls it a “death cult” on his official policy page (where he also says corruption should be punishable by death), and believes Trump is a genius for pulling out of Syria to allow Islam to implode on itself:
He regularly uses “DEUS VULT”, the rallying cry of the Christian Crusades, which killed between 1 and 9 millions people according to historians.
He’s also not a big fan of the idea of red flag laws:![](
Doug is really running. He has filed his paperwork to run as a Republican, and loaned his campaign over $3000:
The Tennessee delegation to congress is already full of questionable characters who encourage violence. Just this week Rep. Mark Green supported the idea of “Declaring War on Democrats”.
But Doug Meyer appears to be a horse of a different color.
The question is this: Is the Tennessee Republican Party ok with him running on their ticket?
Feel free to HOLLER AT THEM HERE: (615) 269-4260 | [email protected] | On Twitter| On Facebook
And if you have anything to say to Doug Meyer, or Facebook for that matter, here’s his page.
And here’s his website.
His “Why I’m Running” Page says:
“Congress is broken. On the one side, The Democrats have become so aggressively and shamelessly anti-American that one can’t often tell them apart from Revolutionary Communists, and, increasingly, even terrorists. Worse yet, The Republicans are timid, directionless, weak and irresolute, and, therefore, in no moral position to counter The Left’s destructive foolishness. Career politicians on both sides have betrayed The Public Trust, and Institutionalized Corruption has destroyed Congress’ capacity for effective functional administration and oversight of Our Government. With scant few determined patriots in a position to protect her, Our Great Nation is being very intentionally and systematically injected with the poisonous doctrines and subversive agendas of weaponized political movements such as Liberalism, Globalism, Communism, and Islamic Jihad. But I believe that Our Republic is worth saving, that she is worth fighting for. Our hallowed dead demand that we stand in this the time of her greatest peril, and take Our Country back. It is time for a political revolution.
What Our American Founders fought and died to establish and protect, I will NEVER surrender.
I will not be bullied, I cannot be bought, and I fear none but God.
Please Pray for and Stand With Me.
God Save The Republic.”