TN Republicans Vote to Force Raped Children to Carry to Term

On Monday a “watered down” version of a bill originally intended to add real exceptions to Tennessee’s draconian NO EXCEPTIONS abortion ban passed the house. It had bipartisan support, but doctors and some Democratic legislators opposed it because it had been so narrowed by Tennessee Right to Life that
many say it does not actually provide real exceptions for doctors to save mothers in danger.
As Rep Gloria Johnson put it: “This language is murky. Doctors and women are still at risk.”

Instead, the bill now forces doctors to wait until women are at death’s door, a sickening situation that will cause doctors to intentionally let women and girls suffer to protect themselves from prosecution.
The senate version has not yet been diluted in this way, but likely will be.
As the bill passed the house, Democrats offered amendments to make it a better bill. Gloria Johnson had an amendment to create an exception for pregnant children who were victims of rape (which all pregnant children are by definition). It would seem to be a no-brainer to create this exception for abortion care, especially since most of Tennessee wants it.
Alas, no. Radical Republicans killed the amendment.
WATCH it happen: “Imagine your child or grandchild is raped tomorrow.” – Gloria’s pleas fell on deaf ears.
AGAIN: Tennessee Republicans voted to keep FORCING RAPED LITTLE GIRLS TO CARRY TO TERM
. #ForcedBirthState

We had a chance to ask TN RIGHT TO LIFE about it yesterday: “Do you think raped little girls should be forced to carry to term, Will?” WILL BREWER of Tennessee Right to Life is who Speaker Cameron Sexton says “intimidated” legislators into not supporting real life of the mom exceptions to TN’s strict abortion ban.
We tried to talk. He ran.

We also asked Susan Lynn, the original sponsor of the trigger ban, why she lied and said the bill did have exceptions when it didn’t: “Were you lying when you said your NO EXCEPTIONS Abortion ban had exceptions? Or just wrong?”
Rep. Lynn (R-Q ANON) babbles about Biden to deflect whenever we ask her.

On another of Gloria’s amendments Gloria reacted to Rep. Andrew Farmer saying Republicans want to protect fetuses no matter what, and clearly treated girls/women as an afterthought.
“Talk about feeling like a 2nd class citizen… it seems no one cares about the women & young girls.”

The GUARDIAN is asking the right question: “How close to death must a woman be to get an abortion in Tennessee?” 

It’s sickening that this is the question that needs to be asked. But it does.
The cruelty seems to be the point.
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– The Holler
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WATCH: Drag Queens Get OVATION Walking Into #LoveRising in Nashville 

– Congrats
Gov. Lee & TN GOP — you’ve turned drag queens into rock star celebrity revolutionaries with your hate. The more you crack down, the more powerful they get.
“I want a house with a crowded table… and a place by the fire for everyone…”
Awesome big number with Maren Morris, Allison Russell and friends bringing drag queens on stage at #LoveRising NASHVILLE. Thousands in attendance, hundreds of thousands raised. 


WATCH: “And yes, I introduced my son to some drag queens today, so Tennessee — FUCKING ARREST ME.” Maren Morris at the #LoveRising benefit concert in NASHVILLE last night, opposing the TN GOP’s #SlateOfHate. 

WATCH: “We’re out here to keep Tennessee safe for everyone… there’s power in numbers.” The star-studded #LoveRising concert in NASHVILLE at Bridgestone Arena was a huge success. 

WATCH: Sen. Hensley & Rep. Clay Doggett’s other Drag Criminalization Bill Dies a Humiliating, Glorious Death
– We’re told the humiliating #RandyRandy McNally scandal is why TN Republicans didn’t give Hensley a second on it, which warms our hearts. Keep hollering.

In honor of Rep. Clay Doggett’s other drag show criminalization bill dying in the senate, here’s a pic of him in a hula skirt and some sort of bra in high school in Giles County someone sent us…

REPUBLICANS PROTECT… GAS STOVES?: Congrats to Gov Lee & the TN GOP for passing another pandering solution in search of a problem — meanwhile we’re at the bottom in poverty, violent crime, infant & maternal mortality, Ed funding, medical bankruptcies, etc… But, y’know, protect gas stoves!
The Government Overreach Party at work.

TAKING THE BURDEN OFF TEACHERS: “This eliminates the burden on classroom teachers to catalogue all their books.” Yarbro’s bill to tweak the GOP’s book banning law to clarify teachers were not meant to take on that burden passes the senate. The law is still in place, parents can still challenge, etc.

RANDY RANDY WINS CAUCUS SUPPORT: TN Senate Republicans voted 19-7 to keep #RandyRandy Lt. Gov. McNally in leadership, a walking monument to their hateful hypocrisy. 

LISTEN: “I’ve been made aware of 2 other situations where inappropriate relationships took place.”
Rep Todd Warner, the 1 TN Republican to call for McNally to step down, tells The Tennessee Star there’s (allegedly) more to the #RandyRandy story.

ICYMI: “Republicans love to accuse LGBTQ+ people of “grooming” children, but in Tennessee, it sounds like the call is coming from inside the house. The statehouse, that is… Rep. Todd Warner released a statement accusing fellow Republican McNally…”

Seems right-wing TN Stands is not on board for Senator Jack Johnson replacing #RandyRandy 

TRAVELING OUT OF STATE: “Doctors told a mom in Tennessee that her desperately ill baby would most likely die in utero, or shortly after birth. CNN followed her 900-mile journey for an abortion, a procedure she can’t access in her home state.” #ForcedBirthState 

ICYMI: Phil Williams reported Ogles raised $25,000 for a “child burial garden” — used a photo of a stillborn child for the GoFundMe promising a place for burial of babies with benches and a statue of Jesus… then kept the money.

TENNESSEAN: After Phil Williams raised questions about what Andy Ogles did with money raised for a burial for children he claimed to be building – “Rep. Andy Ogles’ spokesperson did not immediately respond when asked if financial docs would be released showing the payouts helping families or if they could connect The Tennessean with a family who benefitted from the fundraiser.”

“(Former) Tennessee state senator Brian Kelsey accused of violating federal campaign finance laws is seeking to withdraw his guilty plea, arguing that he initially did so with ‘unsure heart and confused mind.’”
LOL ok Brian

BOMB THREAT: As Trump attacks Letitia James… BOMB THREAT at the courthouse… the judge can’t be thrilled about this one.

ARMING TEACHERS: “So it wouldn’t even be mandatory that the school district know who is carrying a gun in their schools?” Rep. Parkinson left speechless at the Ryan Williams bill to arm teachers — Heading to civil justice next ([email protected]).

OUT OF CONTROL: Tennessee Republican Senator John Stevens has a bill to eliminate the right of private businesses to prohibit firearms.
The TN GOP finds new ways to endanger us all daily.

MUST-WATCH: “It’s immoral that we subsidize giant corporations as they pay starvation wages.”
Justin Jones schools Republicans on rampant inequality as they shill for corporations and defend wild CEO-worker pay ratios. Justin gives a master class on economic inequality and had them going hard in the paint for the rights of multinational corps to pay starvation wages. They all came at him. They all missed.

WATCH: “I’m gonna let you feel powerful today, but this is WRONG.” Jones calls out Mark White for treating him differently than other reps, cutting off his Q’s of a witness on a bill to make it so parents OPT-IN before students can do/learn just about anything.

KIDS STILL NOT RETURNED: After a Black family from Georgia’s 5 kids were taken by TN DCS over a small amount of marijuana, the kids have still not been returned over a month later. “The children are not being returned today. The mother will have to submit to a hair follicle test.” Outrageous.

SENATOR LAMAR TO TN DCS: “GIVE THIS FAMILY THEIR CHILDREN BACK.” – Senator Lamar demands DCS release 5 (Black) kids after a month in state custody after THP charged the father for simple marijuana possession during a traffic stop.

SOME GOOD NEWS: “Senator Jack Johnson backed off his bill to kill the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth…”
— Good hollering, y’all. Gov Lee’s retaliation for their report on our disastrous foster care system is dead. (For now) #TNDCSCrisis

GROWING PAINS: “HENDERSONVILLE mayor links LIBRARY BOMB THREAT to Fox coverage of Kirk Cameron’s story hour… multiple threats… says library being unfairly vilified… asks lawyer to tell Cameron to cease & desist incitement before someone gets hurt…” – and now the library director was fired.

HEARTBREAKING images from SYLVAN PARK this weekend, where a young Nashvillian joined neighbors in cleaning the hate off of his house. 

GRIFT ALERT: Carol Swain is charging $400 to “train” school boards on concepts Tennessee has banned, and it turns out the state now REQUIRES 7 hours of training per year for EVERY SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER — and she promotes hers “state-approved”… That’s some scheme

SUMNER COUNTY commissioner Matthew Shoaf introduced a resolution declaring Sumner won’t recognize an indictment by a NY grand jury (not named but implied: OF TRUMP) as Trump says he’ll be arrested tomorrow. Again: MAGA Republicans do not care about the Rule of Law

WATCH: “FRANKLIN’s visitors guide says ‘FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and EQUALITY’ —I assume that’s for everyone.” Outrageously, FRANKLIN is considering not renewing Franklin Pride’s permit this year. The founder Robert McNamara and others are fighting back.

INBOX: Franklin Alderman Gabrielle Hanson (jack johnson’s political coordinator, opposes Lynching markers because “Marxism”
) replies to a voter “a significant # of gay people” want Franklin to DENY Franklin Pride’s permit.
We asked her who they are. No names yet. #SaveFranklinPride

WATCH: Alderman “All Lives Matters” Lynching Markers
Hanson also opposes LYNCHING MARKERS in Franklin, blaming “social Justice” and “Marxism” and saying it’s a pathway to “reparations” 

SEXTON’S RACIST APPOINTMENT: “Is it true Mr. Saltsman passed out CD’s with the song ‘BARACK THE MAGIC NEGRO’?”
TN Republicans just confirmed Speaker Sexton appointee Chip Saltsman despite London Lamar warning them about his deeply racist past. When they tell you who they are, believe them.

WATCH: “The charter school commission is the epitome of STATE OVERREACH & BIG GOVERNMENT… they override your local elected officials’ decisions.” Dems rip Gov. Lee’s tool to fill TN with (privately run) charters as Republicans extend it.

OFF THE LIST: “Students switch up college plans as states pass anti-LGBTQ laws… choosing not to attend colleges in states targeting their rights…” Tennessee is mentioned. Sad & embarrassing.

FOX 17: “A new Tennessee bill would allow law enforcement officers to use mechanical restraints, such as belts and handcuffs, on students with disabilities….”
Here’s where we asked TN House Rep. Greg Martin (R-Chattanooga) about it —
he ran.

Go off, TN Historical Society!

POWDERPUFF GUV’S BILLBOARD IS UP: NASHVILLE: We came down for a quick visit to #PowderpuffGuv Gov Bill Lees new Broadway billboard. Nice stems, Guv! #TNDCSCrisis