

The MAGA Civil War Over the H-1B Visas Is a Chance for Dems/Progressives to Re-Establish Themselves As the Party of the American Worker And Drive A Wedge Between Trump And His Base

Trump hasn’t even taken office yet, and his besties are already at each other’s throats. It all started when he named Indian-American Sririam Krishnan, an Elon Musk aide, as Senior Policy Adviser for Artificial Intelligence, and Vivek Ramaswamy let loose with a Twitter post disparaging American workers as he and Elon Musk and the tech oligarchs issued full-throated support of increasing the supply of H-1B Visas to bring in foreign workers.

The Ramaswamy rant was unhinged and ill-advised, and caused an uproar among the MAGA faithful who oppose immigration in any form – some for obviously racist, xenophobic reasons, but also some in genuine defense of American workers, who have been largely left behind by many anti-union anti-worker policies our country has adopted over the years – on both sides of the aisle.

Granted, the story told about H-1B Visas sounds good: We don’t have enough skilled workers in the United States, and we want the best and the brightest, so we allow employers to poach 85,000 skilled workers yearly to come help our companies. Sounds great, right?

But there’s more to the story. As Senator Bernie Sanders says, these Visas are “abused” by tech oligarchs like Elon Musk, and “The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad. The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.”

Bernie points out these are not just workers being hired for high level jobs – but also as massage therapists, dog groomers, cooks, etc… as evidenced by the fact that Trump admitted he has them working on his properties when he sided with Elon.

Trump said he hasn’t changed his position on H-1B Visas, but as usual Meidas Touch has the receipts👇🏽 – In 2016 he said it was “very bad for workers” and “I shouldn’t be allowed to use it, we shouldn’t have it”.

Elon & the tech bro money changed all that real fast.

That’s why there is actually a progressive, pro-American worker case to be made that Bannon, and Laura Loomer, and other MAGA loyalists have a point about the visas being abused by the oligarchy and the H-1B Visa program needs real reform – a position shared by the AFL-CIO: “Our unions will never accept policies that relegate millions of workers to an exploitable subclass.”

Elon has made it clear this issue is a big reason why he and his tech oligarch buddies helped buy Trump the presidency. A REPORT says “Tesla has replaced some of its US employees who were let go as part of a big wave of layoffs earlier this year with foreign workers using H-1B visas.”

Which is why Elon lashed out so hard at the Bannon crowd over this, calling them “Subtards” and saying he will go to “war” over it, and agreeing people who disagree are “the retarded right” and “unrepentant racists”.

Elon even went so far as to expose his “free speech absolutism” as hypocrisy by censoring conservatives on Twitter.

BANNON responded to Musk by saying “The converts sit in the back… We’re gonna rip your face off… You can’t beat us… we’ll never surrender… If you go low, we’ll go to the center of the earth.”

To which Elon eventually erupted with this “FUCK YOURSELF IN THE FACE” rant…

…and Bannon called Elon a “toddler”  👇🏽👀

Trump’s traveling buddy Laura Loomer even went in on Elon on a spaces, calling him a “liability” for Trump and a “national security threat” because of his ties to foreign governments.

NEWSWEEK calls it a “MAGA Civil War”.

And the headlines roll in.

And despite all that, Trump sided with Elon over his own base.

Money is a helluva drug.

The bottom line is it all creates a very real opportunity for Democrats to stand with Bernie, and the unions, and take up the mantle of defending American workers against the abuse of the H-1B visa system by Elon and the tech oligarchs.

The natural inclination for Dems will be to have an aversion to the idea of opposing legal immigration and siding with Bannon on anything – but to borrow a phrase, there are “not-so-fine people on both sides”. Defending Elon and the tech oligarchs isn’t a great place to be either.

As Bernie says, the system is being abused by the rich and corporations, and the very workers that are feeling left behind and voting for Trump because of it are the ones who are paying the price.

We all know Trump never actually cared about American workers. We all know he is a fraud. Now is a moment where he is showing that to be true.

If Democrats are still the party of American workers that they once were, this is a time to stand up for them.

Granted, it means standing next to, or at least near, the likes of Steve Bannon and others who are doing it with a not-so-subtle thread of racism and xenophobia. But there is a way to support immigration and what it means to this country while also calling for reforms to the H-1B Visa program so that it does not harm American workers by allowing tech oligarchs a supply of indentured servants.

This is an opportunity to show who really has the back of the American worker, and prove Trump never did.

Opportunity is knocking. Will Dems answer?

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The Holler


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It has to feel weird to be one of those MAGA folks out there calling themselves a “strict constitutionalist” these days while supporting a defeated ex-president who just called for the constitution to be “terminated” because of a Twitter thread with no actual news in it.

To bring you up to speed, new Twitter chief Elon Musk, who has been embracing the far right lately in a big way – bringing even the worst Nazis and insurrectionists back into the Twitter fold and even posting Nazi memes himself (and amplifying Kanye West hours after he expressed his love for Hitler) – teased the release of what he called the “TWITTER FILES”.

Elon said it would be a series of internal docs that delivered the goods on the company’s throttling of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the run-up to the 2020 election. Instead the thread (posted by Matt Taibbi, who has a problematic history of misogyny that goes back to his time in RUSSIA, of all places) really just showed that Twitter was making a good faith effort not to allow yet another attempt at election tampering by foreign actors to sway a presidential election in Trump’s favor AGAIN.

Was it the right decision? Maybe, maybe not. But was it understandable that Twitter was wary of allowing that sketchily-sourced story that originated with Rudy Giuliani, who was up to his eyeballs in lies and surrounded by shady foreign players, not to proliferate on their platform? It absolutely was.

To this day it’s still unclear what the source of the laptop really was, and the mac store guy – who will only talk to Newsmax, etc. – has changed his story more than once. 🚨This Extremely IMPORTANT piece from wash post (with NO PAYWALL) reminds us how shady the sourcing of the Hunter Laptop was/is, and why Twitter and other outlets had EVERY REASON to be suspicious of the Mac store dude, Giuliani, etc — EVEN FOX PASSED ON IT.

None of that context was included in the thread. Instead it was couched as evidence of government interference in an election, even though as FRANKLIN, TN conservative DAVID FRENCH points out the Biden campaign was not the government, so the tweet Taibbi posted of an email where they ask to have Hunter’s dick pics removed was by definition NOT “government tampering”.

French says “Elon Musk & Tucker Carlson Don’t Understand the First Amendment”  – and he’s right. Twitter is a private company—not the federal government, which means they are allowed to make editorial decisions with an eye towards their bottom line.

It’s not a free speech violation, it’s capitalism.

FRENCH: “no amount of misguided rhetoric can transform a Twitter story into a government scandal.”

Ultimately nothing in the Taibbi thread was really news. We knew Twitter had agonized over what to do about the laptop story. We’ve even heard their executives concede that throttling it may have been the wrong thing to do. What it really showed was a company stressing over how to do the right thing.

The lack of revelations led to Rolling Stone calling it a  “SNOOZEFEST” 💤 😴 and NBC rightly framing it as a “rehashing” of old news.

🎯 Another conservative Tim Miller sumned it up by saying “In reality, all they really had was a digital erection.” – pointing out that nobody has a constitutional right to share Hunter’s dick pics.

The problem is, none of these criticisms will pierce the bubble. It’s already being taken for granted in MAGA circles that this thread is the smoking gun, because their Dear Leader Trump has told them as much – and is now literally saying the constitution must be “TERMINATED” over it, so he can be installed as president once again.

As LIZ CHENEY says. “No honest person can now deny that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution.” 🇺🇸

Project Lincoln (former/current Republicans) rightly say “Trump’s comments should have been immediately condemned by every Republican in the nation… Trump and the MAGA movement must be defeated of the 🇺🇸 experiment will come to a crashing end.”

🔥Yet as Conservative Charlie Sykes points out, he is still the 2024 GOP frontrunner: “The last 2 weeks: Trump pledged solidarity with 1/6 rioters, dined w/ fans of Hitler, called to terminate the Constitution— And remains the clear GOP nomination favorite. No wonder they’d rather talk about Hunter’s dick pix.”

Meanwhile Elon Musk is out there acting like he’s some sort of hero of free speech, even though he just banned Kanye West for posting a Swastika, and he won’t reinstate Alex Jones because he personally lost a child and knows how that feels.

Elon didn’t pay $44 BILLION to erase the lines around free speech. He did it so he can be the one to draw them.

Question for FOX NEWS — Does this count as election theft also or is it only when it happens against Trump? We’ll hang up and listen.

Yet again, the silence from Republicans as their party’s standard-bearer shows his authoritarian streak is as strong as ever makes them complicit. We will continue to point that out at every turn.

As always, Your support helps us do this work, so please consider chipping in monthly if you aren’t yet, it all really helps.

– The Holler

P.S. – Stop for a second and imagine how we would view this from afar if this was happening in another country. 🇺🇸


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OH HEY TUCKER: As they go after Hunter for his laptop/emails, important to remember one of them is Tucker Carlson asking him to help his kid get into college.

NORTH CAROLINAAfter a gunfire attack on electrical substations caused a regional power outage, the sheriff answers “anything’s possible” if it was related to a drag show happening at the time.😳 BUT THE SHOW WENT ON 🗣️👇🏽🏳️‍🌈 ❤️


WHAT IS “WOKE” ANYWAY?: Y’all— Desantis suspended a state attorney for being “WOKE”, so his lawyers had to define it. Their answer: “The belief there are systemic injustices in 🇺🇸 and the need to address them.”🤔 Translation: they’re fighting to suppress an OBVIOUS TRUTH.

NOT PRO-LIFE🇺🇸 has higher maternal mortality rates than other countries (because we don’t have universal health care) — and Tennessee is at the bottom (because we haven’t expanded Medicaid) If you don’t support those policies, stop calling yourself “pro-life”

HAMILTON COUNTY: “It hurts… but I’m not leaving. I want a better future for my children.” HAMILTON COUNTY in the national news for extremist School board member Rhonda Thurman calling Latino students a “burden” — leading to harassment & threats towards families.

SECRETLY WOKE SOUTHERN MEN: We can’t get enough of these “Secretly Woke Southern Men” videos from Shane Hartline, please never stop 😂😂.

HOSPITAL STATEMENT: “a temporary pause to review current practices” Methodist Le Bonheur in MEMPHIS finally goes public with why they suddenly canceled treatment for transgender patients (as Republicans attack them).

HAMILTON COUNTY JUDGE: “THIS IS ABSURD… I WILL NOT SIGN THIS.” Remember road raging Michael Harvey, who followed a woman & son home and threatened them? DA Coty Wamp’s office tried to give him a plea deal the victim was against (and he blamed Crohn’s disease🤔)

ALSO IN CHATTANOOGA🤔CHARGES DROPPED — DUI, drug possession charges against Davis Lundy (ex-adviser to Hamilton  County Mayor Weston Wamp DROPPED despite an open bottle of wine, failed test, 23 grams of what he says was CBD. Wamp’s sister Coty Wamp is the DA. She handed it off to Marion County ADA Cara Sapp.

Seems Rep. Matt Gaetz did not get a warm welcome in Nashville this weekend…

Can someone ask Marsha Blackburn if we’re supposed to credit Biden with this? Or does he only get blame when it goes up? Just so we’re all on the same page.

Ruth covers authoritarianism for a living.

Stuart worked on 5 Republican presidential campaigns 👇🏽

PSA: If you can’t see how true this is, you’re probably not a moderate. 🎯

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Last night the FBI executed a surprise search at Mar-A-Lago. The former president put out a statement confirming it, doing all he could to paint the FBI as a “radical left”-controlled agency out to get him – which is, of course, absurd.

If you actually believe the FBI is “Radical Left”, you are dangerously gullible. 

Not much is known about the nature of the search, but word is it has something to do with classified documents, which ironically is exactly what they used to chant “lock her up!” about when Hillary was in the mix.

Of course, now that it’s their guy’s day in the barrel his wildly hypocritical flock is calling for “civil war” and talking about how the Department of Justice and FBI are being “weaponized” – despite the fact that TRUMP APPOINTED THE CURRENT HEAD OF THE FBI, and a Trump-appointed judge would’ve had to sign off on the search warrant.

Many, like Marsha Blackburn, are attempting to use Hunter Biden as a shield, essentially saying if Hunter isn’t imprisoned that means Trump should be able to get away with anything and everything.

But what they leave out is the pesky fact that Hunter WAS federally investigated, and has not yet been found guilty of any crimes.

And we don’t remember Democrats threatening civil war over it.

None of this has anything to do with Hunter. The law is the law. If you’re viewing this through a political lens rather than what’s right and just, you’re already doing it wrong and proving that “law and order” is not what you actually value.

We also can’t help but notice how none of the people bringing up Hunter Biden today seem to care that Trump’s daughter’s husband got $2 BILLION from the Saudis months after leaving office. 🤷🏻‍♂️

The reactions here in Tennessee from Republicans are very troubling. Knoxville Rep. Jason advocating for a sheriff to defy the law to protect a corrupt president, and county mayor Glenn Jacobs, Chuck Fleischmann, and Diana Harshbarger are all implying Trump should be above the law.

Never let the TN GOP claim to be about the rule of law ever again.

As horrific as Trump’s obvious crimes have been, It’s really the reaction to this that should alarm everyone.

Trump’s people are not saying he’s innocent. They’re not saying he has nothing to hide.

They’re saying he should be above the law, and they’re proving that their loyalty is not to the country or the constitution, but instead to the most corrupt president this country has ever seen.

Their reaction is an INSUR-REACTION. The insurrection is ongoing, and the cover-up is part of it.

The irony is actually holding a corrupt former president accountable IS what makes America great, as this Russian will tell you.👇🏽 🇺🇸

If you’re more upset about an obviously corrupt former president getting searched by law enforcement under judges and officials he appointed than you were about him leading a violent insurrection against our country, you have lost the thread.

Nobody should be above the law.

If Trump his guilty, the process needs to play out and prove it. And in the meantime, we will watch as Republicans across the country tell on themselves and reveal how little they actually care about the Rule of Law.

Please consider chipping in monthly if you can. We depend on your support.

– The Holler
Please consider chipping in even just $5 or $10 monthly to help us continue this work.



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NEW: Trump wanted American generals to be more like Hitler’s generals. Any questions?

WATCH: “Republicans have been completely overwhelmed by the extremist MAGA branch… I wish we had more bravery in the GOP.” On WZTV FOX 17 News, Nashville the Holler’s Justin Kanew says the GOP is now an extreme party, and claiming that to be true of both parties is wrong and runs cover for them.

BLACKBURN & HAGERTY OPPOSE AN INSULIN CAP“IT WOULD MEAN LIFE… more people will die… Republican senators Blackburn & Hagerty voted to take out a provision that would also cap insulin costs for those with private insurance…” 😳

-1 in 3 Tennesseans have medical debt
-4 out of 5 diabetics went into debt to pay for insulin
-700,000+ Tennesseans have diabetes
-100,000+ die yearly of diabetes
TLDR: Tennessee’s senators are cruel and don’t care about human suffering.

HOW IS THIS LEGAL: So former senator Brian Kelsey – who is under federal investigation for campaign finance issues – is now the lawyer representing Gov. Lee’s voucher program he helped pass? 🤔 Get a law passed, then go get rich being a lawyer for it?

“CLEAR THE LIST” — while Gov. Lee brags about a budget surplus and steers millions of public dollars to private schools “Tennessee teachers are facing a financial crisis in the classroom, reaching into their own pockets to pay for school supplies…”

KANEW: “Glen Casada is no longer in the legislature, and Justin Jones is.” – On Fox Nashville The Holler’s  Justin Kanew highlights the fall of ex-speaker Glen Casada vs. the rise of Rep Justin Jones — says “Justin needs to be Justin” and not worry how petty GOP leadership will treat him. (Just ask Gloria Johnson)

BIDEN: “There’s a whole range of things in the Inflation Reduction Act that are really game-changing for ordinary folks.” Blackburn & Hagerty just voted against lowering health care costs for seniors & diabetics.🤔😳

👀FOX’S DOOCY: “The Inflation Reduction Act let’s Medicare negotiate lower drug prices —- if you’re on a fixed income and older you love that, regardless of party.” Even Fox hosts are on board, as Senator Mike Lee struggles to frame a negotiation (capitalism!) as “price fixing”🤔

Everything Marsha says is a lie. 🤥

Hard to argue. Dems are governing while republicans try to make us afraid of one another.

⛽️ GAS PRICES DOWN: Interesting how quiet Marsha & co. Have gotten about gas prices lately…

WATCH: Tennessee’s Senator Bill Hagerty calls a booming jobs report (and low unemployment) “VERY DISCOURAGING” 🤔 He’s being honest — Adding jobs is bad when all you care about is your side clinging to power. When they tell you who they are, believe them.


MEANWHILE ON THE BULLSHIT FACTORY:  Fox says the Inflation Reduction Act means the IRS will Come rob you at gunpoint 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥴🥴

Even Manchin isn’t having it from the Republicans. #InflationReductionAct

🚨👇🏽BANNON: “The school boards are the key that picks the lock.” Texas CFO: “We took over four school boards.” (By “we” he means anti-public school extremists who want to keep our kids ignorant… should sound very familiar and frightening to Tennesseans)

SUMNER COUNTY: A Commission race in the most diverse district is TIED between Brenda Dotson (D) & Terry Boyt (R) – Word is Rep William Lamberth is pressuring the commission to CHOOSE Boyt, not allow a run-off🤔 Worth mentioning: The County Commission is entirely white and Republican. Email them here.

TN-5 —- Rep. Jim Cooper wastes no time endorsing Senator Heidi Campbell over far right extremist Andy Ogles as his replacement👇🏽

WATCH: “Ogles is as extreme as it gets. Senator Heidi Campbell is the adult in the room and the unifier.” The Holler’s Kanew on the TN-5 face-off between Sen Campbell and far-right election denier Ogles (called the pandemic “fake”, racist to Asians, wants to impeach Biden, etc.)

Hey TN-5, THIS is the choice you face 👇🏽 Do you want a Rep like Andy Ogles who thinks we’re at “war” with each other? Or Rep Campbell who wants to find common ground and bring us together? Pretty easy choice if you ask us.

TEACHER SHORTAGE: ReminderThe teacher shortage is a feature not a bug for PRIVATIZERS like Gov. Lee who want to see public funds redirected to private schools.

🔥DR. JASON MARTIN: “BILL LEE HAS FAILED YOU ALL.” Newly minted Democratic nominee for Governor Dr. Jason Martin didn’t hold back about Gov. Lee in his victory speech, listing ways lee has failed Tennessee. #WarOnSchools #WarOnTeachers #ExpandMedicaid #BansOffOurBodies

Reminder: It’s not just an insulin cap we need… #MedicareForAll

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Last night the world watched in horror as the January 6th committee recounted, in gripping detail, how our capitol was attacked in a coordinated effort to subvert our democracy and stop a peaceful transfer or power led by the president of the United States, who at one point aimed the deadly weapon that was that mob at his own Vice President.

They chanted they wanted to hang him. Trump said maybe they should.

This was a crime. Even a federal judge has said so, as Rep. Liz Cheney pointed out last night, saying “A federal judge evaluated the facts and concluded Trump likely violated 2 FEDERAL CRIMINAL STATUTES.”

There are only 2 options: A) Charge Trump B) Don’t charge Trump

Knowing what we now know — how can you not bring charges against him? What kind of precedent does that set?

Rep. Cohen agrees, and told us in an interview this morning he believes Trump will be charged.

🔥 SENATOR AKBARI, often more mild-mannered, tweeted: “THOSE BASTARDS MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.”

Again – it was a COORDINATED ATTACK, as laid out in this 5 minute summary of how the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers carried out the plan to attack the Capitol.

A coup attempt, and nothing less.

And TRUMP was clearly involved, as evidenced by the fact that he PLACED NO CALL – “Leaders on Capitol Hill begged the president for help, including Republican leader McCarthy… Trump PLACED NO CALL to any element of the 🇺🇸 government to instruct that the Capitol be defended,” Rep. Cheney told us.

The INSURRECTIONISTS themselves blamed Trump also, saying in no uncertain terms: “TRUMP ASKED US TO COME”

It’s no coincidence that former Trump campaign chief Steve BANNON said “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow” on the eve of the insurrection — which is why he refused to testify.

(Spoiler: The ones who wouldn’t testify are the guiltiest)

And it wasn’t just Trump – Rep. CHENEY said “Rep. Scott Perry and multiple other Republican congressmen sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn a presidential election.”

A seditious conspiracy. Many have been charged with it already. As Rep. CHENEY said “It was not a spontaneous riot… Trump oversaw a 7-part plan to subvert the election and stop the peaceful transfer of power… we’ll show you.”

All based on a BIG FAT LIE.

BILL BARR, AG ON ELECTION DAY said to the committee “I told the president saying the election was stolen was BULLSHIT… it’s part of why I left when I did.”

TRUMP’S OWN DAUGHTER WASN’T BUYING IT. IVANKA said “I accepted what AG Barr was saying (that election theft claims were ‘BULLSHIT’)” 

And we saw a TRUMP CAMPAIGN LAWYER add “We weren’t finding anything to change the results… THERE’S NO THERE THERE.” 

And yet, Trump pushed and pushed until our capitol was attacked.

Here’s the COMPLETE VIDEO of the previously unseen video just aired by the January 6th committee. Horrifying.

Mick Mulvaney, who served as former Trump’s White House chief of staff for more than a year, called the video “STUNNING”:

CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER CAROLINE EDWARDS described her experience: “What I saw was a war scene… officers were bleeding and throwing up… I was slipping in people’s blood…” 

Rep. CHENEY, did a masterful job presenting the facts. She has sided with the truth over her party, and will be remembered for it.

Her message last night to people like Marsha Blackburn, Bill Hagerty, and our TN GOP reps who continue to stand with Trump:
“To my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible — there will come a time where Trump is gone… but your dishonor will remain.”

Your dishonor will remain.

We can only hope our country will also. The attack on the capitol is in the past, but the attack on our democracy is ongoing.

We’ll keep yelling the truth and fighting for it. We hope you will too.

And please consider chipping in even just $5 or $10 monthly to help us continue this work.

– The Holler


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MEMPHIS: “Top Tennessee Prosecutor Shelby County DA Amy Weirich Prides Herself On Being Tough On Crime. It’s Soaring Anyway — District Attorney General Amy Weirich is not tough on crime when it comes to police.” Weirich is who should’ve been recalled. Help STEVE MULROY beat her.

REPUBLICANS SHOW URGENCY ON PROTECTING… REPUBLICAN SUPREME COURT JUSTICES: It really is amazing to see how much more they care about protecting Republican Supreme Court justices than they do about protecting children.

WATCH: “BLOOD MONEY.” AOC uses these weird things called “facts” to back up an observation that as gun sales have risen, so have gun deaths. #ProfitOverKids #HowManyMore 🇺🇸

MAURY COUNTY: Gov. Lee gets cozy with Jason Gilliam, Republican primary challenger to Scott Cepicky — we hear because Cepicky voted against Lee’s TISA school (privatization) funding plan? Gilliam posts call COVID a “sham”, Kamala a “ho”, etc— the usual extremist nonsense🙄👇🏽

TARGETING FOX SPONSORS: “A nonprofit aiming to defund disinformation online that has taken💰 out of pockets of several prominent far-right websites now has its sights set on its most formidable target yet: Fox News.” 

TN REPUBLICANS OPPOSE GUN REFORM: All 7 TN GOP reps put guns over kids and voted AGAINST The “Protecting Our Kids Act”, a common sense gun reform bill that would have saved lives, with provisions supported by most of the country. They are the radicals.

LEE’S GREAT SHAME: Little known fact we don’t post about lightly: in high school Governor Lee’s daughter took 1 of their guns and shot herself in the head.
She survived, but you’d think he’d be less callous. Red flag/storage laws mostly prevent suicide—TN Repubs block both.


🔥 PAM SOHN: “Chilling. Just chilling… the chill of Gov. Bill Lee’s gun arrogance is horrifying.” Nobody is buying Lee’s transparently hollow gun violence photo op. Everyone sees through out little he cares about stopping the death. #HowManyMore

UVALDE SURVIVOR MIAH CERRILLO: “I thought he would come back into the room, so I grabbed the blood and put it all over me.” #HowManyMore 🇺🇸
Our children shouldn’t have to live like this.

🔥 MCCONAUGHEY: “Responsible gun owners are fed up with the 2nd amendment being ABUSED AND HIJACKED” #HowManyMore

KIMMEL: “WHY are you so optimistic?! It makes no sense.”
BIDEN: “Look at the kids… the best educated, least prejudiced, most giving generation in American history. We can’t give up.” — AMEN, JOE. 🇺🇸 ❤️

KIMMEL: “A lot of Dems are frustrated because we got out and voted, won the house, senate, White House… and yet we’re moving backwards on a lot of things.”

😳LUNDBERG: “SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BORN BAD” This doc on #AlmeerNance (Black Knoxville teen who got 51 years for being at a robbery where a man was killed by someone else) has this cruel quote from anti-criminal justice reform Sen. Jon Lundberg👇🏽

MEMPHIS: Shelby County Sheriff’s deputy pushes a homeowner away from his own house when he doesn’t have the proper paperwork… all ego and flexing until the other officer tells him to back off…

“2000 MULES” BASED ON A LIE: 🚨🔑 MAJOR REPORT 👏🏽 — BIG LIE GRIFT: “True the Vote (which that Dinesh Dsouza “2000 MULES” MOVIE IS BASED ON) raised millions claiming it discovered voter fraud… never released evidence… sent $1 million+ to its founder (& allies)…”

This sign holder deserves all the awards. 🏳️‍🌈 👏🏽🏆


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When the former president revealed to Bill O’Reilly that he was in fact vaccinated and boosted (as are ALL the Fox News hosts who rail against the vaccine every night), and did his best to take credit for the rollout, his base was very upset. They can forgive insurrection against the country, stealing from his own charity, cheating on his pregnant wife, trying to overturn the election, and generally being the most corrupt president this country has ever seen… but telling the truth about a life-saving medicine? THAT SHALL NOT STAND. 

New Nashville resident Candace Owens tried to come to his rescue to give him a chance to retract, but to his credit, he didn’t. TRUMP TOLD CANDACE OWENS: “The vaccine worked… PEOPLE AREN’T DYING WHEN THEY TAKE THE VACCINE… if you do get it it’s a very minor form.”

He’s right. The vaccine is working as intended. The VAST majority of COVID hospitalizations are now unvaccinated people.

Of course, his base can’t handle the truth. They went nuts over this. ALEX JONES RIPPED TRUMP, saying he is “either completely ignorant or one of the most evil men who ever lived” 👀

Candace Owens then took to social media to say Trump was just too old and out of touch to use the internet to get *REAL* information from the Facebook fever swamps – we’re betting Trump didn’t like that one AT ALL. 

Of course, not everyone was upset with him. People who understand that the vaccine is working as intended were more than willing to credit Trump with getting this right. Even White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed Trump’s COVID vaccine recommendation… a sentence we never thought we’d type. 😷

But the backlash to Trump by his base for saying positive things about the vaccine has been severe. It seems the only thing they can’t forgive him for is telling even the slightest bit of truth about this life-saving medicine. Perhaps this is because many have lost their jobs or even gotten arrested over their refusal to take this life-saving medicine, clearly viewing it as a loyalty test, a way to show they support Trump to the bitter end.

But what do you do when even Trump doesn’t agree with taking that stance?

Life must get pretty confusing when you devote yourself to a grifter whose only true commitment is to himself.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. We’ll be following this story closely. Please consider chipping in monthly if you’re not yet doing so, even if it’s just a few bucks – the monthly support truly keeps us going. 

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and here’s to a great New Year.

LEE COOL WITH GUNS ON PLANES: Q: “Would you support guns on planes?” GOV. LEE: “That’s up to airlines.” 😲😳 Q: “Yet private companies can’t require employee vaccines?” LEE: “…uhhhh I didn’t agree with the bill I signed 🧐🙃…” How many different ways can Lee pander to extremists and fail to lead?

WAR BUDGET GOES UP EVEN DURING PEACE: 5% increase ($768 BILLION/year, $7.7 TRILLION/decade) to the war budget DURING PEACE — The GOP will vote for this but reject 1/5th of it for child care, pre-k, health care, climate, housing, etc? They care more about defense contractors than people.

Hospitalization rate by vaccine status… blue is unvaccinated… green is vaccinated… Get vaccinated. 😷

WHAT A SCHMECK: “I meant no disrespect” 🧐 – Jared Schmeck, who said “fuck you” by another name to Biden after a very cordial call in front of children, including his own, says he meant no disrespect, when in fact he meant only disrespect… Doing it is classless. Trying to walk it back is cowardly. Don’t be a Schmeck.

SCHMECK: “Trump is my president, the election was 100% stolen.”🙄 After saying he wasn’t a Trumper and “meant no disrespect”, the ex-cop who said “Fuck You” to Biden by a different name on a Santa call with kids (but says he’s a “Christian” first 🧐) sings a different tune to Bannon.

DEAD VOTER CLAIM DIES: “False claims thousands of ballots cast in the names of dead Georgia voters can rest in peace… Election investigators found just 4, all returned by relatives… latest in a series of unsubstantiated claims of fraud since debunked…”

It’s good that Georgia only found 4 ballots sent by relatives after death, but also— why are they getting fines when Crystal Mason (a black woman) got 5 years in Texas for thinking she could vote and casting a provisional vote that wasn’t even counted? Obscene.

LAWSUIT: “2 Georgia election workers who were the target of vote-rigging conspiracy theories sued far-right OANN & Giuliani for allegedly spreading lies about them…” (One is Ruby Freeman, who Kanye’s publicist and a Trump aide tried to pressure)

🚨BIDEN: “I support making an exception on voting rights for the filibuster.” #SaveDemocracy 🇺🇸

VP HARRIS: “Half of the senate (all the Republicans) REFUSE TO EVEN DEBATE voting rights legislation… Stand up before the American people. Defend your position. See if it stands up to logic and reason.” #EndTheFilibuster 🇺🇸

👂LISTEN: “Probably because you keep touching them, you nasty perv!” – CLEVELAND, TN televangelist Perry Stone interrupted during service 11/30 – he is accused of sexually harassing multiple ministry members. There is a federal investigation.

Paid for by taxing those who can afford it — thanks for the breakdown, Fox! imagine thinking these are bad things. 🧐🙃 #PassThePeoplesBudget

UNITED MINE WORKERS TO MANCHIN: “REVISIT YOUR OPPOSITION TO BBB” – America’s largest coal mining union that reps West Virginia miners is urging Senator Manchin to support Biden’s bill AND get voting rights legislation passed. 🇺🇸 🗣 

A fair question for Senator Schumer…

LEE WANTS THE RNC HERE IN 2024: Oh boy – this is just what we need around here. 🎪

LEE PUTS PRISON GUARDS OVER TEACHERS: Perhaps nothing shows Governor Lee’s misplaced priorities like his decision to have entry-level correctional officers earn what it takes a teacher with a bachelor’s degree TEN YEARS to make… budgets are moral documents.

LAKELAND COUNTY:  Anti-LGBT parents threaten to pull their kids out if the school board allows a GAY-STRAIGHT ALLIANCE to exist… board says it can’t pick which clubs to allow.🏳️‍🌈

MADISONVILLE: Officer Wes Martin for Monroe County Commission 1st District arrests a Latino man for “HOOTIN’ & HOLLERIN’” because he says he disturbed his coffee, then arrests the man filming it. They say he was annoyed the waitress played their music. Cops on power trips is a danger to us all.

UNDERCOVER KKK INFORMANT: “came across dozens of police officers, prison guards, sheriff deputies, other law enforcement officers involved with the klan and outlaw motorcycle groups…” – How many more must there be?

OFFICER FANONE RESIGNS: “Clearly there are some members of our department who feel their oath is to Donald Trump and not to the Constitution… I no longer felt like I could trust my fellow officers.” 😳 — Be alarmed. 🚨

FORCED BIRTH ACTIVISTS HAVE NO ANSWERS: Anti-reproductive freedom activists have very few answers as to why they also support cutting programs (Medicaid, food stamps, child care, etc.) that help women feel they can afford to go through with a pregnancy.

🎯 🇺🇸

NASHVILLE STRONG: Nashville restaurants Rodizio Grill & The Melting Pot post notes about the Christmas bombing 1 year ago: “A lot was lost but we remain grateful nobody was injured.” 


In case you’re wondering, this is what we got everyone we know for Christmas…

And while we’re talking about Marsha, let’s always remember this little gem…


Don’t forget to share our YEAR IN REVIEW VIDEO! We truly appreciate everyone who supports us and helped us get to where we are.

Please consider CHIPPING IN MONTHLY to help us grow… make it $10 and we’ll send you a holler hat! (note your address on PayPal and
which color you want when you chip in) 

Now on CASH APP: $TNHoller


“I JUST WANT TO FIND 11,780 VOTES” – Trump Pressures Georgia’s Secretary of State

 Add election fraud to the long list of Trump’s crimes. In this extraordinary phone call obtained by the Washington Post Trump pressures Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat. Listen to excerpts in the video below and read more here.



On November 3rd Donald Trump lost the presidential election. I know it’s hard for some people to hear that, but that’s all the more reason it needs to be said. It was close in some key swing states, but President-Elect Joe Biden is now up by tens of thousands of votes even in those states, and Republican secretaries of state across the country are telling us there is zero real evidence of widespread fraud. 

Obviously that hasn’t stopped President Trump from refusing to accept defeat. He told us he would only accept the outcome if he won before the election, and he has followed through. He now tweets incessantly, day after day about how he has been cheated – pointing to vote counts being changed, dead people voting, Republican observers not being allowed into the counting rooms… all of which have been debunked one by one by one. Trump is tweeting about fraud publicly while his lawyers admit in court, under oath, that they are not actually saying any such fraud took place.

Simply put, there is no evidence of widespread fraud. He is lying. There is no debating that. 

What is up for debate is why. Is it simply so he can drag this out as long as possible to give himself more time to milk money from his supporters? Money which he claims is going to help him fight the lawsuits he keeps losing, but which the fine print tells us he is stuffing into his own pockets

Or does he really think he can take this all the way to the end and overturn this election with the help of Republican-held state legislatures, who would have to turn their backs on democracy, throw out the results of the election in their states, and assign their electors to him without any justification for doing so?

One would hope he knows the latter is an impossibility, since it would essentially mean the end of The American Experiment.

One would hope he would understand that even Republicans in his party would deem that to be a bridge too far.

But would they? If they’re anything like the Republicans in Tennessee, perhaps not. 

So far here in Tennessee, the only prominent Republicans who have been willing to acknowledge that Joe Biden is president-elect are ex-Senators Bob Corker and Bill Frist. Senator Lamar Alexander has said nothing. Governor Lee has expressed his support for Trump’s efforts, as have Senator Marsha Blackburn, senator-elect Bill Hagerty, and both chambers of the Tennessee supermajority legislature. The Tennessee Republican delegation of congressmen have also gone right along with the charade, including Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, who told a news network “what we’re seeing is fraud,” but when pressed for specifics pointed to Nevada – where the 3000 ballots in question had already turned out to be mostly military families who had been transferred.

Is this what it has come to, Republicans? One can only imagine the outrage they would be demonstrating had Hillary Clinton refused to concede, especially if she had a 5 million vote deficit in the popular vote rather than the 3 million advantage she ended up with (in fact, they did rip her viciously for even just having questions in the aftermath of 2016).

Or worse yet, imagine their reaction if Obama were doing any of this. 

Perhaps they think they’re just humoring Trump, and that at the end of the day this will have no lasting impact after he inevitably leaves the White House. But that’s shortsighted. Tennessee Republicans had a chance to stand up, finally show some leadership and backbone, and say enough is enough. Instead, they signed up to join this circus and help Trump trash our election process, a favor to our anti-Democracy enemies that ultimately means Trump’s loyal following of millions of Americans will now forever believe this was a rigged election. 

Nobody knows what lasting impact that will have in the days, weeks, and years to come, but what we do know is Tennessee Republicans have shown us they put their loyalty to Trump and their own self-preservation ahead of their commitment to the democratic process that undergirds the very notion of America, and that in itself is the opposite of patriotism.

Free and fair elections, respecting the will of the people, is what makes us who we are as a country. Republicans love to invoke the Founding Fathers when convenient, but any objective reading of their intentions makes it clear they set up our constitution to guard against efforts to drag us back towards the authoritarianism our country was established in opposition to, the tyranny they fought and bled to keep us away from in favor of the freedom to elect our own leaders and center the people’s voice. A freedom many brave Americans have since died to preserve.

This is a dark path we’re heading down, one few would have believed possible even just a few short years ago. This has already become a black eye on our nation’s history, and the further down this road we go, the bigger the stain will be on the reputations of this crop of Tennessee Republicans – a stain which will not soon come off.

Justin Kanew is the Founder of the Tennessee Holler

Trump’s Stupid Coup Attempt

Trump refuses to concede the election to Joe Biden despite there being no evidence of fraud and being laughed out of court in his attempts to prove his victory. Today, Secretary Pompeo said that there will “be a smooth transition to Trump’s second term.

This is an undemocratic power grab which is the definition of a coup. It may be a coup, but it’s a coup nonetheless. We need to stay vigilant. Click here to find resources on how to get plugged in and fight back.